Archives: Services

“Practicing What It Means to Be Human”

Acknowledging the wholeness in ourselves and each other requires us to break down the barriers we create through categorical thinking, and to reduce the harm we perpetuate through demands for certainty. Experiencing the world beyond “either/or” and embracing the ambiguity that accompanies this sacred space allows us to make a sanctuary for each other.

“Harboring One Another”

Our Unitarian Universalist faith can, at moments, be a shelter, or sanctuary, for us in a harsh world. In order for that shelter to strengthen us to shelter others, we must bring our whole selves. Our service will include a New Member Recognition.

Acting from Faith

At a series of critical moments in this nation’s history, we are being called back to the most basic understanding of this country as a sanctuary for the values we also share in our faith tradition. How do we pursue the most important points of resistance – or even discern them – while acting out of … Continue reading Acting from Faith

“Be Still and Know”

Where do we find sanctuary for our souls in the midst of the busyness and fragmentation of our daily lives? Days of rest are extremely important not just when we are exhausted, but as a regular restorative practice. Historically, people in many faith traditions observed sabbaths. Now can there be a personal sabbath? How do … Continue reading “Be Still and Know”

“Hope in Lost Dreams”

Our culture highly prizes dreams of the future, and working towards living out those dreams. We are encouraged to shape our individual lives from our deepest dreams. As Unitarian Universalists, many of us feel called to collectively work towards a future we dream about – a future upholding the inherent worth and dignity of all. … Continue reading “Hope in Lost Dreams”

“Touching Earth”

It may sound counter-intuitive, but humility is part of living a life of calling. It is necessary for growth and deepening, and best of all it’s spiritually liberating. Humility does not mean self-abasement, but, rather, something much more to do with interdependence. How can we understand humility so that it deepens the relatedness that allows … Continue reading “Touching Earth”

“Past and Future”

Being a people of calling means knowing your past, trusting your future, and opening the heart. Wandering into a touch of cosmology, we’ll consider how the past becomes part of the present and calls us to the future. What invitations do both past and future make to us during a a transitional period in the life … Continue reading “Past and Future”

“This I Believe”

This I Believe was a five-minute CBS Radio Network program in the early 1950s, originally hosted by journalist Edward R. Murrow. The show encouraged both famous and everyday people to write short essays about their own personal motivation in life and then read them on the air. The show became a cultural phenomenon that stressed individual belief rather than … Continue reading “This I Believe”