Helping Our Community
Sunday Morning Breakfast
Make a Gift Sign Up To Help or Bring Food!
Socially Responsible Santa
Volunteer elves get referrals from congregation members and friends, community organizations, and schools. They deliver cash gifts to families or individuals in need. We believe that by giving a cash gift we are empowering people to decide for themselves what kinds of Christmas gifts they wish to give and receive. This is in keeping with the first principle of Unitarian Universalism: the inherent worth and dignity of every person. Donations to Socially Responsible Santa can be made by clicking on the button below.
Coordinated for many years by FUUSB member Maggi Hayes, this annual program began in 1986 as a project of the Social Responsibility Committee. Working with many community organizations over the years, we have increased the number of families served. While many recipients have purchased traditional gifts, others have used the money for past-due bills, assistive devices, and security deposits on apartments, allowing them to move out of a shelter. We are incredibly grateful for the generosity of the congregation.
The Angel Fund
The Angel Fund was created to help ease the financial burden of those members who are unable to make a pledge or meet their pledge during these very difficult times. We all make our pledges each year with the best of intentions, but due to illness, job loss, or many other unexpected hardships, sometimes members are just unable to fulfill that pledge. Throughout the pandemic, some of us have experienced financial hardship, while others of us have been doing fairly well. We are asking, if you are able, to help ease the burden of those members who cannot fulfill their pledge by making an additional gift. You can make that gift by clicking on the button below or sending a check to the FUUSB office at 152 Pearl Street, Burlington, Vermont 05401.
Give to the Angel Fund
Discretionary Fund
FUUSB maintains a fund throughout the year to provide financial assistance to members of our community when emergencies arise. One-time gifts from this fund – given at the discretion of the Senior Minister or the Director of Operations & Finance – have helped in paying rent or utility bills, purchasing glasses or other health devices, buying gas, purchasing food, and many other needs. The Discretionary Fund is replenished through large and small gifts made at Christmas Eve services, and throughout the year from generous gifts from members and the community. You can give to this fund by clicking on the button below and choosing “Discretionary Fund.”
The Joint Urban Ministry Project (JUMP)
The First UU Society joins 25 Chittenden County faith communities in the Joint Urban Ministry Project (JUMP) to provide funds for food, transportation, utilities, laundry, and clothing. The First UU Society commits volunteers for the drop-in center, board and committee members to run it, and financial contributions to meet increasing client needs. During this time of COVID, JUMP hasn’t been unable to have face to face meetings with clients, therefore they have begun meeting clients via the telephone and providing assistance via gift cards to pay for gas or food, and directly making payments to utilities. JUMP is relying on financial contributions now more than ever. You can contribute to JUMP by clicking on this button.
Make a Gift