Speaker: Andre Mol

“Hope in Lost Dreams”

Our culture highly prizes dreams of the future, and working towards living out those dreams. We are encouraged to shape our individual lives from our deepest dreams. As Unitarian Universalists, many of us feel called to collectively work towards a future we dream about – a future upholding the inherent worth and dignity of all. … Continue reading “Hope in Lost Dreams”

“Giving Thanks”

Linda Hogan, Chickasaw poet and novelist, writes: “Most of us are taught, somehow, about giving and accepting human gifts, but not about opening ourselves and our bodies to welcome the sun, the land, the visions of sky and dreaming, not about standing in the rain ecstatic with what is offered.” During this service focused on … Continue reading “Giving Thanks”

Service of Remembrance

Join us for our annual Memorial Day weekend service of remembrance. We will create a communal space to recognize those we have lost. There will be time in the service to light a candle and share the name of someone you wish to remember. Note: Sunday, May 27 is the Vermont City Marathon in Burlington. … Continue reading Service of Remembrance

“Love and Restoration”

If we are paying close attention to the latest insights of climate science, we have a lot to fear about our future as human beings, the future of this planet, and the future of all life that shares this precious and beautiful home with us. Our Universalist tradition promises that divine love is a saving … Continue reading “Love and Restoration”

“Time of Compassion”

Life from our first breath to our last is measured by a finite amount of time. Some of us are blessed with more than others but we never quite know how much. We say life is a gift. Yet we continue to demand time from each other. We find ways to keep it for ourselves. … Continue reading “Time of Compassion”

“Journey with Intention”

Intention is not a destination. It is a way of being. If we follow its guidance we will find ourselves in unfamiliar but transformative situations. We’ll explore a pivotal story from early Universalism and what it might teach us about change, luck, intention, and the times when all three show up at once.