Our Ingathering Service this year is for FUUSB the beginning of a transitional period, which follows the ending of a ministry. Where do we find ourselves at this meeting? What does it mean to be a people true to their calling during such a time? This will be the first of two sermons to try to locate us in this period, this one short. There will be a Reflections for All Ages, as well as a homily and a water ceremony.
This week’s service will include a ritual of the joining and blessing of waters. Each congregant is invited to bring a small container of water from an important place in your life, which could be your home. Perhaps this is a natural body of water you regularly visit, some rainwater you have collected, or even tap water from your house. When you arrive, you will find stations throughout the sanctuary to contribute your offering. During the service itself, we will all participate in the joining and blessing of this water, representing the joining of our congregational community at the beginning of our program year.