Archives: Services

“Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me ‘Round”

The Exodus narrative presents many challenges to modern understanding, especially for us liberals, steeped as we are in the “historical critical method” of biblical interpretation. So, as Channing recommends, let’s “taste and see” what might resonate for contemporary Unitarian Universalists facing the challenges of our time.   Join us for online worship at at 10 … Continue reading “Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me ‘Round”

“Living in the Middle”

In March, we celebrate Women’s History Month. It is hard to do this well in any year given the diversity of women’s lives. Now, in this confusing time, we are called to remember and respond to the real catastrophes so many women face. Sometimes, poets can help us know what matters most.   Join us for online worship … Continue reading “Living in the Middle”

“Side With Love”

A worship service created and offered by UUA leaders from around the country.                     What if to “side with love” meant making bold, faith-full choices? What if it were even a little bit scary? This worship service brings together worship leaders and musicians from across the country … Continue reading “Side With Love”

“True Stories”  

February is Black History Month – a perfect time to look for, and learn from, real-life stories of Black Americans who’ve helped shape our country’s history. We’ll share a few of those stories and encourage all of us to search out more, to stretch the boundaries of “truth” as we know it.   Join us for … Continue reading “True Stories”  

“Choosing Love”

The common expression may be that people “fall” in love, as if intention and attention play no part in that transformative process. Reality, on the other hand, teaches us that nurturing love requires a great deal of us – not once, but over and over again. Join us for online worship at at 10 a.m. … Continue reading “Choosing Love”