Archives: Services

“Journey with Intention”

Intention is not a destination. It is a way of being. If we follow its guidance we will find ourselves in unfamiliar but transformative situations. We’ll explore a pivotal story from early Universalism and what it might teach us about change, luck, intention, and the times when all three show up at once.

Covenant Renewal Sunday: “Teach Only Love”

9 and 11 a.m. Join us for this annual service, hosted by our Healthy Congregation Team, when we lift up, celebrate, and recommit to our congregational Covenant of Right Relations, inviting us to be intentional in our relationships with one another and our First UU community. Guest sermon by Duke Duchscherer, trainer in nonviolent communication.

Together in Sacred Space

One service at 10 a.m. To mark the end of 2017 and usher in 2018, we will gather to create a shared sacred space. With song, meditations, and an end-of-year ritual, we will practice finding stillness, cultivating connectedness, and listening for guidance in the coming year. Led by Maeve McBride and Melinda Lee, worship associates.

Christmas Eve Services

Join us for Christmas Eve Candlelight Services at 4, 6, and 8 p.m. At 4 p.m. – Family service: No Rehearsal Nativity Pageant and candle lighting. 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. – Traditional candlelight services for all ages.

Radical Hope

In a powerful essay he wrote last November, the novelist Junot Diaz describes “radical hope” – an ability to imagine a future goodness that transcends what we know in the present – as an antidote to our times. We’ll explore this idea, and how we might make it come alive in our individual lives and … Continue reading Radical Hope

Winter Solstice Service for All Ages

Services at 9 and 11 a.m. This Sunday, we honor the Earth-centered tradition of Winter Solstice, which many in our congregation will observe on December 21–the shortest day, through story, song, and ritual. We will take time to sit in darkness, and honor light’s return. The service is designed for worshipers of all ages!