Archives: Services

Celebrating Our Shared Ministry

Join us this Sunday as we celebrate our past five years of shared ministry and bid farewell to Rev. Mara. Following the service, join us outdoors for a celebratory picnic!

“Our Power to Bless”

As we begin June, with the spiritual theme of “blessing,” Rev. Mara will help us explore what it actually means “to bless,” and how we each can access the power of blessing one another. Our service will also include a child dedication and celebration of the successful conclusion of our ministerial internship. All of that, … Continue reading “Our Power to Bless”

Service of Remembrance

Join us for our annual Memorial Day weekend service of remembrance. We will create a communal space to recognize those we have lost. There will be time in the service to light a candle and share the name of someone you wish to remember. Note: Sunday, May 27 is the Vermont City Marathon in Burlington. … Continue reading Service of Remembrance

Music Sunday

On Music Sunday, May 20, we will begin our one-service summer schedule, with worship at 10 a.m. Join us for a music-filled service with Jennifer Carpenter, Music Director, Sam Whitesell on piano, Wayne Schneider on organ, our FUUSB choirs and a chamber orchestra who will perform “Missa Gaia” or “Earth Mass” by Paul Winter. This is a … Continue reading Music Sunday

“Celebrating Life”

We will celebrate the children among us, and the parents who love them and raise them. We will celebrate the teachers, stewards and assistants, and group leaders who lead us, inspire us, teach us. We will celebrate who we are as a community here at FUUSB. We will celebrate what we have done and what we envision for … Continue reading “Celebrating Life”

Yuuth Sunday

The FUUSB Yuuth Group has created a Sunday service titled “One Small Act.” Throughout the worship service, they will be sharing their reflections on service (acts of service, acts in service of others) along with readings and hymns that embody the spirit of these reflections.

“Love and Restoration”

If we are paying close attention to the latest insights of climate science, we have a lot to fear about our future as human beings, the future of this planet, and the future of all life that shares this precious and beautiful home with us. Our Universalist tradition promises that divine love is a saving … Continue reading “Love and Restoration”

“Time of Compassion”

Life from our first breath to our last is measured by a finite amount of time. Some of us are blessed with more than others but we never quite know how much. We say life is a gift. Yet we continue to demand time from each other. We find ways to keep it for ourselves. … Continue reading “Time of Compassion”