Archives: Services

“The Fire Sermon”  

Our minister emeritus Gary Kowalski returns this Sunday to recount his experiences working as a volunteer firefighter and emergency medical responder in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Being a first responder, he discovered, means more than driving a big red truck. It means facing grief, fear and depression, but also offers glimpses of altruism, teamwork and … Continue reading “The Fire Sermon”  

“The Circle of Life”

On August 19 we welcome Chief Don Stevens, Chief of the Nulhegan Band of the Coosuk – Abenaki Nation. Chief Stevens will share Abenaki creation stories and speak about the spiritual heritage of the Abenaki. Chief Don Stevens is an award-winning leader, businessman, writer, and lecturer. He has been featured in magazines, books, TV shows, and documentaries. He … Continue reading “The Circle of Life”

“A Rock in Turbulent Times”

In these times, activism is insufficient. To strike at the roots of the multiplying crises we face, we must stand on firm ground, on unshakable bedrock. But where do we find this bedrock in a society whose economic system and political institutions are little more than quicksand? How can faith orient us in this ever-changing … Continue reading “A Rock in Turbulent Times”

“Giving Thanks”

Linda Hogan, Chickasaw poet and novelist, writes: “Most of us are taught, somehow, about giving and accepting human gifts, but not about opening ourselves and our bodies to welcome the sun, the land, the visions of sky and dreaming, not about standing in the rain ecstatic with what is offered.” During this service focused on … Continue reading “Giving Thanks”

“Collective Liberation 19th-Century Style: Rev. Joshua Young”

Winner of the 2016 UU History & Heritage Sermon Award, this sermon illuminates the 19th-century ministry of Rev. Joshua Young, who served many Unitarian congregations, including this one in the 1850s. A co-conductor with his wife of the Underground Railroad, the officiant at John Brown’s funeral, and a fervent supporter of the notion of collective … Continue reading “Collective Liberation 19th-Century Style: Rev. Joshua Young”

UUA General Assembly Sunday Morning Worship: “No Time for Casual Faith”

Share in the magical warmth and fire of our national UU community this coming Sunday, right from our own Meeting House. We will be projecting the live stream of the General Assembly Sunday morning worship service in Kansas City…from start to finish. We will start with the live streaming prelude at 9:50, so come  a bit early. And the … Continue reading UUA General Assembly Sunday Morning Worship: “No Time for Casual Faith”