Archives: Services

“Why Are We Here?”

Where did Unitarian Universalism come from – and where are we headed? Some say that UUism is no longer a religion, but something else entirely. Reflections on how the story of our liberal / progressive religious tradition intertwines with the nation’s history, and our role at this pivotal moment.

Ingathering Sunday

Come celebrate the beginning of a new congregational year – everyone is welcome! This all-ages service will include a water ceremony (bring a small amount of water from a special place in your life) and a story about telling stories, featuring the Society’s Board members. At the end of the service, we will move out … Continue reading Ingathering Sunday

“Dog Spelled Backwards”

Fifty years after landing on the moon and 30 years after the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope, do we still believe that we are alone? Is there a force greater than us? We are called to examine what constitutes spiritual “faith” — and what that term may encompass for contemporary Unitarian Universalists. Rev. Jennifer … Continue reading “Dog Spelled Backwards”

“Beginning, Again”

Life has a way of circling us around to new things, or old things with a different appearance, again and again. We get lots of practice, when we’re lucky, in figuring out what matters most. In this first worship service of her developmental ministry here in Burlington, Rev. Tricia will share some thoughts on the … Continue reading “Beginning, Again”

“Soul in the Pulpit”

Addressing a graduating class of Unitarian ministers-to-be, Ralph Waldo Emerson told them that the medicine the waning church of their day needed was first soul, second soul, and thirdly… Soul! If ever there was a UU Gospel that I tried to live as a young minister, it was that. I soon realized, though, that my soul had … Continue reading “Soul in the Pulpit”

Join us for worship this Sunday!

While authoritarianism is on the rise in many parts of the world, democracy is on the rise in an unexpected place: the northeastern corner of Syria. Here, on the periphery of the brutal civil war between Assad forces and jihadist insurgents, a semiautonomous enclave has deliberately chosen a “third way.” Since 2012, Rojava (also known … Continue reading Join us for worship this Sunday!

“Finding Our Courage”

In these beleaguered times many of us are taking action even though we are weary and overwhelmed sometimes. Where can we look for courage that will inspire and sustain us and give us the strength to stand up for what we believe? Mary Fillmore has been researching the Dutch resistance to the Holocaust since 2001 … Continue reading “Finding Our Courage”

“Hymn Sing Sunday”

“Hymn Sing Sunday” invites us to raise our voices in community, singing your favorite selections from our hymnals! You are invited to add your enthusiasm in chorus with your neighbors, or sit and bask in the collective offerings of others. Now Let Us Sing! Worship Associate: Stephen Rainville