Archives: Services

“The Power of Women”

Rev. Patricia Hart, with Judy Brook Women have held significant influence in religious life in the United States from the very earliest days of European settlement. The power of women in congregations wasn’t always visible, however – at least not until recent decades. How did women shape Unitarian Universalism? What’s changing now? Join us for worship in person … Continue reading “The Power of Women”

“Works of Love”

Rev. Peter Newport, Guest Minister As Unitarian Universalists, we describe ourselves sometimes as members of a “covenantal religion.” What does that mean? We also seem to like the idea of “Beloved Community.” Where did that idea come from? This week, wrapping up this month’s theme, Geoff Duke, Jon Sallée, Erika Reif and I explore how … Continue reading “Works of Love”

“What the World Needs Now…”

Rev. Patricia Hart, with Brenda Balon, Judy Brook, & Warren Baker Love is definitely what the world needs – in these times, and every time. It’s a lovely idea to set to music, and often very hard to accomplish in our lives and communities. Come hear several different voices on the topic of love, relationships, … Continue reading “What the World Needs Now…”

“Lessons from History”

Rev. Patricia Hart, with Melinda Lee In the years leading up to the Civil War, this Society’s Minister made no secret of his commitment to the abolition of slavery. Rev. Joshua Young even supported the efforts of John Brown to foment a slave revolt, and showed compassion to Mary Brown after her husband was convicted … Continue reading “Lessons from History”

“Creating A Beloved Community”

Pastor Rodney Patterson, Guest Preacher, with Geoff Duke Dr. Martin Luther King spoke about A Beloved Community in several speeches and sermons. Additionally, Dr. Arthuree Wright shared a resource entitled, 25 Traits of a Beloved Community. As a community of worshippers, how might we move collectively from worship to work-ship in our endeavors to manifest … Continue reading “Creating A Beloved Community”

“What Holds Us Together”

Rev. Joan Javier-Duval, Guest Minister, with Melinda Lee What is at the center of Unitarian Universalist theology? This is a question UUs have pondered, and even argued about, time and again. As we consider revising our denominational principles and purposes, we return to this question. What value might we find in naming and claiming a theological … Continue reading “What Holds Us Together”

“On Loving Our Enemies”

Rev. Patricia Hart, with Mary Beth McNulty Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life was not long, but his impact on our society has been massive. What do you remember about him – from your own life, or what others taught you? Reflections on how each of us might apply Dr. King’s teachings in our own life, … Continue reading “On Loving Our Enemies”

“Finding Balance, Now”

Rev. Patricia Hart with Judy Brook Life, these days, is good at keeping us off-balance. Are things “normal” again? (Do we want them to be?) What does the future hold? How can we find balance amid so much uncertainty? Thoughts on greeting this new year – with a glimpse of the past, and a bold … Continue reading “Finding Balance, Now”