Archives: Services

“Bridging Together”

Rev. Patricia Hart & Rev. David Ruffin with Betsy Ferries This Sunday is Bridging Sunday, and we invite you to please join us for the return of this special annual tradition back to the Meeting House! We will be honoring graduating high school seniors within our community, and ritually celebrating this significant transition in their … Continue reading “Bridging Together”

“Creating Our Stories”

Rev. Patricia Hart, with Warren Baker On this Mother’s Day, we celebrate the lives and stories of those mothers and others who brought us up, on the way to our own destinies. Hearing other people’s stories is an important way to figure out what matters, and the difference it makes to choose. When we don’t … Continue reading “Creating Our Stories”

Climate Justice Team Service: “Reconnecting with the Earth”

Join us for a special service led by FUUSB Climate Justice Team members, with Worship Associate Judy Brook, and Guest Preacher Rev. Dr. Nancy Wright, Pastor for Creation Care, The New England Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and Vice President of VT Interfaith Power & Light. This Sunday’s service will be followed by a … Continue reading Climate Justice Team Service: “Reconnecting with the Earth”

“What Does Easter Mean, to Us?”

Rev. Patricia Hart, with Betsy Ferries and Erika Reif The ancient Christian holiday of Easter offers a powerful message of redemption to many people around the world. To others, the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection is problematic, or at best confusing. If you wonder whether Easter has anything to say to you in your … Continue reading “What Does Easter Mean, to Us?”

“The Meaning of Happiness!”

David Ruffin and the FUUSB Youth Group Join us for our annual “YUUth Sunday” where the FUUSB Youth Group leads the Sunday Service. After spending the night in the Meeting House for their first “Lock-In” since before the pandemic, the Youth will awake, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, to share a brand-new, soon-to-be classic, tale with the … Continue reading “The Meaning of Happiness!”

“What Might the Future Be?”

Rev. Patricia Hart, with Melinda Lee What does the future hold for this First Unitarian Universalist Society of Burlington? None of us can know for sure… but often the best way to predict what’s coming next is to notice where energy is showing up now. Imagining what a letter looking “back” from 2030 might include. … Continue reading “What Might the Future Be?”