Rev. Patricia Hart, with Betsy Ferries and Erika Reif
The ancient Christian holiday of Easter offers a powerful message of redemption to many people around the world. To others, the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection is problematic, or at best confusing. If you wonder whether Easter has anything to say to you in your life, come join us this Sunday. We’ll think about the stories together…and celebrate Spring!
Join us for worship in person in the Sanctuary, or online. Find the livestream link and order of service on the Livestreamed Worship page, or go to our YouTube channel. While inside the Meeting House, masks are strongly encouraged. Following the service, all are welcome to Coffee Hour in the Community Room.
This Sunday’s service is intended for the whole family! Children will be invited to leave with Faith Development staff for 25 minutes during the offering and sermon for some quick “bunny games” and preparation to parade back into the Sanctuary just before the final hymn. The Nursery will also be open throughout the service for any who need it. Bring warm layers, because about 15 minutes after the service ends, we will open up the Egg Hunt in the Memorial Garden. All children are welcome to participate in hunting for eggs stuffed with trinkets (no candy).