Archives: Services

“Fear: Friend or Foe?”

Fear is a basic human experience. For some, it is a constant companion. For others, it is a visitor, sometimes more than we’d wish. There are those among us who are skilled at masking our fear, but that doesn’t mean it’s not present in our lives. Since it’s inescapable, what is available to us to … Continue reading “Fear: Friend or Foe?”

“Our Shared Humanity: One Year of Sunday Morning Breakfast Ministry”

Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister; FUUSB Meeting House Grounds Team This month marks the one year anniversary since the start-up of the Sunday Morning Breakfast ministry, where a steadfast crew shows up early on Sunday morning and ensures there is breakfast for anyone who seeks a meal or companionship. What does this Radical Welcome … Continue reading “Our Shared Humanity: One Year of Sunday Morning Breakfast Ministry”

“Reckoning with Our Heritage: Unitarian Indian Boarding Schools”

Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister; Judy Brook, Worship Associate In recognition of Indigenous People’s Day, and in keeping with our Soul Matters theme of heritage, Rev. Karen will explore the lesser-known history of two Unitarian Indian Boarding Schools, which were part of a much larger and insidious system to eradicate Native culture and identity … Continue reading “Reckoning with Our Heritage: Unitarian Indian Boarding Schools”

“Beyond Apology: Tending to Impact, Tending to Repair”

Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister; Betsy Ferries, Worship Associate This year’s UUA Common Read is Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg’s book, On Repetance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World. Rev. Karen will speak to themes in the book and what it means for us to deepen and widen our understanding of amends, accountability, and atonement. The … Continue reading “Beyond Apology: Tending to Impact, Tending to Repair”

“A Thousand Beautiful Things”

Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister; Mary Beth McNulty, Worship Associate In the beginning of a new shared ministry, nearly everything is shiny and beautiful. Over time, a more balanced perspective will emerge, with both shine and tarnish revealing themselves. This service will celebrate perceiving the world with eyes that see beauty with a Beginner’s … Continue reading “A Thousand Beautiful Things”