Rev. Petr Samojský, Guest Minister, with Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister
Norbert Fabian Čapek was the founder of the Czech Unitarian Association and the Flower Communion. His life and ministry offer great inspiration to us. Basic characteristics of Čapek’s theology will be explained. He was murdered in the concentration camp in Dachau; his death just emphasizes his simple message: freedom and conscience. This worship connects us to our international heritage.
Rev. Dr. Petr Samojský serves as a minister of the Prague Unitarian Congregation in the Czech Republic. He is a graduate of Meadville Lombard Theological School as well as Chicago Theological Seminary. While living in the US, he served as a chaplain at St. Vincent Charity Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio, and as a minister at the UU Church of Greeley, Colorado. Petr is married and lives with his family and six cats near Prague. His hobbies include literature, poetry, music, and he actively plays the Indian sitar. He and his family are traveling in Vermont and have been kind enough to share their time with us.
Join us for worship at 10 a.m. in person in the Sanctuary, or online. Find the livestream link and order of service on the Live-Streamed Worship page, or go to our YouTube channel.
Please join in our multigenerational activity after the service (around 11:30) with Rabbi Jan from Ruach haMaqom, the synagogue that resides within the Meeting House. We’ll meet in the Memorial Garden and learn about the Jewish holiday, Sukkot.
Following the service, all are welcome to Coffee Hour, either outside in front of the Meeting House or in the Community Room, depending on weather.