Archives: Services

“What a Time to Be Alive!”

As we officially launch the 2020 Stewardship Campaign – raising funds for the 2020/2021 congregational year – let us celebrate the promise of this venerable and vital institution known as “First UU.” What is distinctive about this particular congregation, in this particular and challenging time? What role might it play in the future?

“It Is What It Is”

If Wisdom is somehow distilled from experience, what Wisdom can we bring to the climate crisis, as a species, when we have few relevant experiences to rely on? This morning, we’re going to recall trees we love or lost, tell a few jokes, and think about a sustaining moral ecology for the times ahead.

“Building New Ways”

One purpose for religious community is to be a place where we help one another grow into our best selves: strong in spirit, curious about new ideas, compassionate, awake – joyful and hopeful, even when the facts of the world might lead us in other directions. Come share the power of learning the truth and … Continue reading “Building New Ways”

“Love and Money”

A look at how two very powerful forces in life – love and money – can pull us in opposite directions in our lives. Can minds and hearts be changed about the purpose of wealth in our world? How the voices of people of color are broadening our vision.