Archives: Services

“Religions and History”

Throughout human history wars have been fought, lands claimed, peoples conquered, grand new visions of the future declared – all, too often, in the name of religion. Much as we might lament this pattern, it’s not likely to change very soon. Some thoughts on the importance of knowing the truth of history, and the foundations … Continue reading “Religions and History”

“Entering the Dark-Time”

Rev. Patricia Hart with Geoff Duke, Worship Associate In ancient Celtic times (and today) the holiday that became Halloween was known as Samhain – marking the end of the harvest, and the beginning of the dark season of the year. As we balance on that same turning point in this year of tumult, what lessons … Continue reading “Entering the Dark-Time”

“On Humility, and Not Giving Up”

Rev. Patricia Hart, with Melinda Lee Our theme this month – cultivating relationship – sounds simple enough. Being awake to the world and practicing kindness ought to be all we need, right? But stepping outside the familiarity of what we already know can be disconcerting, surprising, and even discouraging. Some reflections on hanging onto faith … Continue reading “On Humility, and Not Giving Up”

“Creative Bridging: How Creativity Cultivates Relationship When We Need It Most”

Rev. David Ruffin with Judy Brook, Rebecca Gurney, Tricia Knoll, Todd Schlossberg, Herb Schroeder, and Sam Whitesell When the burden of disconnection weighs upon us, how can creativity help us build a bridge back into connection and deeper into life? With the help of a band of creative artists from our community, we’ll explore how … Continue reading “Creative Bridging: How Creativity Cultivates Relationship When We Need It Most”

“Living the Questions”

Rowan Van Ness with Judy Brook The course of the Covid-19 pandemic has waxed and waned through different waves, and we have all been trying to find our ways to live with the uncertainty of when (or whether) the pandemic will end. How can we live with a lack of knowledge, a lack of certainty, … Continue reading “Living the Questions”

“The Trees’ Truth”

Do you have a favorite tree in your life? Do you seek out the comfort of shade and the sounds of leaves in the breeze when you feel stressed? In these precious short weeks as trees and forests are once again teaching us about awe and beauty, we can also learn what science is teaching about trees’ … Continue reading “The Trees’ Truth”