“…Furred and hoofed, two-legged, four-legged, many-legged,
Fanged and clawed, gentle and fierce, wild and tame.
May we remember that all animals are our relatives,
Worthy of our care and respect.” – Florence Caplow
Join us for a celebration of these animal relatives with whom we share our homes and our planet. They fill our hearts, add meaning to our lives, and remind us of our place in the interconnected web of existence. Let us extend our blessings to them in this, our first online Blessing of the Animals.
Join us for online worship at uusociety.org/worship-and-music/online-sunday-worship/ at 10 a.m. on Sundays! All services are also available on our YouTube channel.
Following the service, join us for online coffee hour at 10:45 a.m. on Zoom at bit.ly/3j4RxJ9.