New UU Statement of Values Passes at General Assembly

Rev. Karen Johnston, Senior Minister

On June 22 (and announced June 23), a significant moment in the history of Unitarian Universalism: the delegates to the General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association voted 2025 to 499 to revise Article II of the UUA bylaws. You can read more about it in this UU World online article.

This has been an important process taking place over the last 4 years. In some corners of our UU universe, there were uneasy discussions and in other corners, there was easeful exploration. (And in some corners, some folks didn’t notice the conversation.) Such a change is not to be taken lightly and it was not. In our UU democratic way, we have worked to chart our collective path forward.

This change places Love at the Center, surrounded by the newly articulated values of Equity, Generosity, Interdependence, Justice, Pluralism, and Transformation. There is no particular order of these values ~ and that is purposeful, raising up their equal presence among each other.