“The Bible in America”

Jeff Trumbower – Guest Speaker
Judy Brook – Worship Associate

For this service just after the Fourth of July, we’ll be exploring together the complexities of religion in our country, and particularly the role the Bible has played in shaping who we are as a nation. From the Pilgrims, to enslaved peoples, to civil rights activists, to evangelicals and fundamentalists, different parts of the Bible have inspired and molded our collective past, and its influence continues. As Unitarian Universalists, how should we approach this as we chart a path forward?

Jeffrey Trumbower, Ph.D., is Professor of Religious Studies and former Dean and Vice-President for Academic Affairs at Saint Michael’s College. He earned a doctorate in Biblical Studies from the University of Chicago in 1989. He has written extensively in the fields of Biblical and Early Christian studies. He lives with his husband, Christopher French, in Jericho and has been a member of FUUSB since 1992.

Join us for worship at 10 a.m. in person in the Sanctuary, or online. Find the livestream link and order of service on the Live-Streamed Worship page, or go to our YouTube channel.


Following the service, all are welcome to Coffee Hour outside or in the community room depending on weather.

While at the Meeting House, anyone is welcome to wear a mask. In the spirit of caring for each other, please stay home if you have any cold or flu symptoms. Thank you.