Archives: Services

“Acting on the Side of Love”

Rev. Connie Yost, Guest Minister, with Melinda Lee, Worship Associate The Rev. Dr. William Barber calls our present moment a crisis of civilization. Amid political inaction, gutting of human rights, and valuing profits over people, how do we as a people of moral conscience respond? Rev. Connie Yost is an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister. She … Continue reading “Acting on the Side of Love”

FUUSB July Break

This Sunday, July 23, while FUUSB is on break, we invite you to take a virtual tour of online services from UU congregations around the country (find congregations at, or enjoy a FUUSB service from the past year on the First UU Society YouTube channel. Beginning July 30 at 10 a.m., please join us for … Continue reading FUUSB July Break

“Grief Activism: Making Space for Lament & Communal Care”

Worship Leader: Maeve McBride, Worship Associate: Mary Beth McNulty Grief and loss have been nearly constant companions for many of us over the last few years, as we have navigated a global pandemic on top of the ongoing social, environmental, and political crises. How might we reconsider or re-imagine the practice of grieving when faced … Continue reading “Grief Activism: Making Space for Lament & Communal Care”

“From Vulnerability to Connection”

Worship Leaders: Marcus Keely, Erin Stoetzner, Anna Thomas, Lilly St. Angelo, Kellé Zyfaer, & Sara Bourne Worship Associate: Betsy Ferries Love and belonging are basic needs for human beings, up there with food, water and safety. But according to emotions research, we can’t achieve it or create it without first being authentic to ourselves and … Continue reading “From Vulnerability to Connection”

“Born This Way”

Verdis LeVar Robinson, Guest Minister, with Warren Baker, Worship Associate As anti-queer bills, laws, and policies are on the rise across the country, this affirming service will reach into the heart of Unitarian Universalism to seek guidance, hope, and inspiration. (Content warning: this sermon contains a discussion on queer-youth suicide. Please take good care.) – … Continue reading “Born This Way”

UUA General Assembly Sunday Worship – Livestream

Join us online this Sunday for the largest annual gathering of UUs joining in worship. This powerful, communal worship experience will be live-streamed on Sunday, June 25 at 11:00 a.m. EDT at this link: There will be no in-person service at FUUSB on June 25. The Rev. Manish Mishra-Marzetti, Senior Minister of the First … Continue reading UUA General Assembly Sunday Worship – Livestream

“What a Time It’s Been!”

Rev. Patricia Hart, with Judy Brook After 27 years as a parish minister, Rev. Tricia is about to retire. Come hear her reflections about the gifts and lessons of congregational ministry, and what these last four years have taught us all. Join us for worship in person in the Sanctuary, or online. Find the livestream … Continue reading “What a Time It’s Been!”

“Making Harmonies”

Rev. Patricia Hart, with Melinda Lee Come join in a big celebration of this year at First UU – recognizing new members, sharing in the beauty of flower communion, appreciating Faith Development (and many other) volunteers who keep this congregation alive and growing. And all of you! Bring a blossom to share for Flower Communion. … Continue reading “Making Harmonies”