Archives: Services

“The Joy of Stepping on Eggshells”

Rev. Erin Gingrich, Guest Minister; Melinda Lee, Worship Associate Rev. Erin returns to FUUSB to share a timely fable from Rabbi Ed Friedman about relationships, nerves, and insensitivity training. Can that be true, insensitivity training? Yes! Sometimes we are soooo very nice to others that we make ourselves sick, and tired, and so small and miserable that … Continue reading “The Joy of Stepping on Eggshells”

“Closer to Fine”

Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister; Mary Beth McNulty, Worship Associate There is a blockbuster movie that many are seeing, dressing up for, and finding surprisingly fun, provocative, and even moving. Yes, using Barbie The Movie (co-created by Greta Gerwig, who was raised UU) as our jumping-off point, we’ll explore one of the fundamental aspects … Continue reading “Closer to Fine”

“Love at the Center of All”

Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister; Geoff Duke, Worship Associate A report on the happenings of General Assembly, where thousands of UUs gathered in Pittsburgh at the end of June. What deep changes are afoot in our faith movement? What lies ahead when it comes to putting love at the center of all that we … Continue reading “Love at the Center of All”

Music & Poetry Service

Judy Brook & Melinda Lee, Worship Leaders, with Warren Baker, Worship Associate Join us at 10 a.m. on August 13 in the dappled shade under the sheltering maples and elms in our front yard at the top of Church Street for this special annual service of music, songs, and mostly original poems. We’ve got sweet … Continue reading Music & Poetry Service

“No Such Thing as Silence”

James Stewart, Director of Music, with Geoff Duke, Worship Associate There is no such thing as silence… especially when you’re planning to have a service outdoors… on the front steps of the Meeting House… facing Church Street… on a Sunday morning… in August! Join us for a meditative time as we listen to the traffic … Continue reading “No Such Thing as Silence”

“Acting on the Side of Love”

Rev. Connie Yost, Guest Minister, with Melinda Lee, Worship Associate The Rev. Dr. William Barber calls our present moment a crisis of civilization. Amid political inaction, gutting of human rights, and valuing profits over people, how do we as a people of moral conscience respond? Rev. Connie Yost is an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister. She … Continue reading “Acting on the Side of Love”

FUUSB July Break

This Sunday, July 23, while FUUSB is on break, we invite you to take a virtual tour of online services from UU congregations around the country (find congregations at, or enjoy a FUUSB service from the past year on the First UU Society YouTube channel. Beginning July 30 at 10 a.m., please join us for … Continue reading FUUSB July Break

“Grief Activism: Making Space for Lament & Communal Care”

Worship Leader: Maeve McBride, Worship Associate: Mary Beth McNulty Grief and loss have been nearly constant companions for many of us over the last few years, as we have navigated a global pandemic on top of the ongoing social, environmental, and political crises. How might we reconsider or re-imagine the practice of grieving when faced … Continue reading “Grief Activism: Making Space for Lament & Communal Care”

“From Vulnerability to Connection”

Worship Leaders: Marcus Keely, Erin Stoetzner, Anna Thomas, Lilly St. Angelo, Kellé Zyfaer, & Sara Bourne Worship Associate: Betsy Ferries Love and belonging are basic needs for human beings, up there with food, water and safety. But according to emotions research, we can’t achieve it or create it without first being authentic to ourselves and … Continue reading “From Vulnerability to Connection”