Archives: Services

“Glorious & Enough”

Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister; Judy Brook, Worship Associate In a world that plies us with lies about perfection and nefarious whispers that we can never be enough, let us proclaim that we are not only enough, but are glorious! Let us do so for every human with our inherent worth and dignity and … Continue reading “Glorious & Enough”

“Voices from Ukraine”

Kathy Bielawa Stamper, Guest Worship Leader; Melinda Lee, Worship Associate “Voices from Ukraine – VT: Are We Still Listening?” What lessons can we learn from Ukrainians displaced by Putin’s war and those remaining in-country to serve Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)? Why should we pay attention to this geopolitically complex region of our world? How might … Continue reading “Voices from Ukraine”

“Best of Intentions”

Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister; Geoff Duke, Worship Associate Living into the 8th Principle’s commitment to dismantle systemic oppressions within ourselves and our institutions, it is important for us to recognize that “good intentions” are not enough. Dr. King articulated this when he noted that “It may be true that the law cannot change … Continue reading “Best of Intentions”

“A Community of Solidarity”

Rev. Erica Baron, Guest Minister; Warren Baker, Worship Associate Based in Paula Cole Jones’ work on the congregation as a community of communities, we will explore inclusivity through solidarity between the many different small communities that make up the large community, and that connect us to others beyond the congregation. Rev. Erica Baron, our Congregational … Continue reading “A Community of Solidarity”

Christmas Eve Services

Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister Join us in the Sanctuary for our Christmas Eve Services on Sunday, December 24 at 4, 6, & 8 p.m. The 6 p.m. service will also be livestreamed. 4 p.m. – No-Rehearsal Christmas Pageant All are welcome to this family-centered service in the Sanctuary, featuring a No-Rehearsal Nativity Pageant and … Continue reading Christmas Eve Services

“Bowing to Mystery: This I Believe”

Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister, with Judy Brook & Molly Moerdyk Integrating the much-beloved tradition of hearing from FUUSB congregants on the topic of “This I Believe,” this service will explore our Soul Matters theme of Mystery, as well as introduce our new spiritual practice, Earth Teacher Project, that begins in January. This Sunday … Continue reading “Bowing to Mystery: This I Believe”

“Do Not Be Alone”

Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister; Betsy Ferries, Worship Associate This has been a heartbreaking week in our community and in our congregation. It does little good to be in isolation. We cannot change the past but we can shape how we move into the future. Let us borrow brave from each other, let us … Continue reading “Do Not Be Alone”

“What Is Memory?”

Rev. Jane Dwinell, Guest Minister; Melinda Lee, Worship Associate When my husband was diagnosed with “probable early stage Alzheimer’s” in 2016, we began to wonder about memory — What is it? How important is it? Can we live without it? I will offer our thoughts on memory. The Rev. Jane Dwinell is a retired UU … Continue reading “What Is Memory?”