Archives: Services

“A Compass, Not a Map”

Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister Geoff Duke, Worship Associate It can be hard to explain what Unitarian Universalism is. Given our commitment to pluralism, our openness to and beyond a theistic explanation of reality, and our being non-dogmatic, there are those who would say that we aren’t even a religion. Rev. Karen throws out … Continue reading “A Compass, Not a Map”

“Expressions of Awe and Wonder”

James Stewart, Director of Music; Warren Baker, Worship Associate Have you ever been speechless? Have you ever gazed into the night sky, peered across a vast ocean or stood agape atop a mountain and found yourself overwhelmed by the beauty that surrounds and envelopes you? This Sunday, we’ll be sharing in a special service as … Continue reading “Expressions of Awe and Wonder”

“Making a Home: Reflections on Vermont Thus Far”

Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister; Betsy Ferries, Worship Associate With the quintessential-Vermont Town Meeting Day nearly upon us, we’ll hear some literary perspectives on Vermont, as well some reflections from relative newcomer, Rev. Karen. Agree or disagree with her; laugh or cry. Hone your own perspective on this place where we live and which … Continue reading “Making a Home: Reflections on Vermont Thus Far”

“Poetry That Calls Us to Rise: African American Poets & Their Work”

Worship Leaders: Judy Brook & Friends In celebration of Black History Month, our service will focus on works by African American poets. This lay-led service with the participation of multiple readers will include classic poems from well-known Black poets and poems from poets newer on the scene.   Join us for worship at 10 a.m. in … Continue reading “Poetry That Calls Us to Rise: African American Poets & Their Work”

“A Stacked Perspective: Unpacking the Boxes of Justice”

Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister; Mary Beth McNulty, Worship Associate What does it mean, as Unitarian Universalists, to have values of Justice & Equity (our Soul Matters theme for the month)? What is the difference between “equity” and “equality” in our day to day lives? In our congregational life? On the way to building … Continue reading “A Stacked Perspective: Unpacking the Boxes of Justice”