Archives: Services

“Voting in America”

Ever since our revolutionary ancestors won independence from England, voting has been an essential part of this country’s identity. But looking back at how voting has happened in America gives a less-than-consistent message about what really matters. What principles are guiding us now? Join us for online worship at at 10 a.m. on Sundays! All … Continue reading “Voting in America”

“On Needing Each Other”

Last week’s focus was on listening carefully to ourselves – enough to allow our minds and hearts to be changed. This week’s topic is the other side of that practice: how listening intently to the people around you can lead to transformative change, too. Join us for online worship at at 10 a.m. on Sundays! … Continue reading “On Needing Each Other”

“Facing History”

Please join us for reflections on different periods of the history of Indigenous Peoples, including the Western Abenaki and efforts to preserve Abenaki cultural heritage in Vermont. For our October 11 service, we welcome special guest Charlie D.-Megeso. Charlie is a Nulhegan-Coosuk Abenaki Citizen, a Vermont State recognized Tribe. He is a former member of … Continue reading “Facing History”

“Love Will Make You Brave”

Rev. Patricia Hart, Worship Leader; Cheryl Herrick, Worship Associate It’s hard to take a deep breath these days, much less find the time and focus and faith to practice deep listening. Nevertheless, that’s exactly what we are called to do. Where is truth, among all the events, fears, information/disinformation swirling around us? Can we let … Continue reading “Love Will Make You Brave”

“Covenant – Noun and Verb”

Rev. Patricia Hart, Worship Leader; Jon Sallée, Worship Associate; with the Healthy Congregation Team A decade ago, this congregation drafted and adopted a Covenant – a brief statement that both describes and guides how members of the Society interact with one another (and, ideally, with everybody else). “Living” this Covenant is a primary way we … Continue reading “Covenant – Noun and Verb”

“Come, Come, Whoever You Are!”

Rev. Patricia Hart, Worship Leader; Judy Brook, Worship Associate; with special music by Penny and Adele deRosset The pandemic may have changed lots of things, but it’s still September: school is starting, and so is this new year at the First UU Society! Join us for a celebration of this wonderful religious community, which is … Continue reading “Come, Come, Whoever You Are!”