Archives: Services

“From Generation to Generation”

Rev. Patricia Hart with Melinda Lee The power and energy of congregational life comes from the reality that we make it happen together: adults of all ages, children and youth, babies and elders and everybody in between. Kind of like a neighborhood, but more intentional. We have so much to learn from loving one another! Join us … Continue reading “From Generation to Generation”

“Faith Among the Trees”

Rev. Patricia Hart with Brenda Balon The news and troubles of the world are very much with us these days. It can be restful – even essential – to take a step back from it all. Spending time in nature is one good way to do that. Stories from a week on Star Island, and … Continue reading “Faith Among the Trees”

“Question Box” Service

Rowan Van Ness with Geoff Duke A classic expression of Unitarian Universalism is to devote a worship service to the practice of asking questions. Join ministerial intern Rowan Van Ness to ask one of your questions. You can bring a question with you to the service or submit one in advance, particularly if you plan … Continue reading “Question Box” Service

“Our Theology of Questioning”

Rowan Van Ness with Melinda Lee In Unitarian Universalism, we often embrace the questions. What does our theology have to do with this? If you would like to attend the service in person, please register at And if you’d rather attend online – please do! Just find the livestream link here, or visit our YouTube … Continue reading “Our Theology of Questioning”

“What Can History Teach Us?”

Rowan Van Ness with Judy Brook Unitarians, Universalists, and Unitarian Universalists have been responding to social issues throughout the existence of these traditions. In the 1840s, Unitarians and friends came together to start a utopian community in Florence (a village of Northampton), Massachusetts, putting their abolitionist visions into action by manufacturing silk fabrics as an … Continue reading “What Can History Teach Us?”

FUUSB July Break

During this week’s First UU Society July Break (July 1-8), there will be no Sunday worship service on July 3. We hope you will take this time to explore Unitarian Universalism by taking a virtual “tour” of online services from UU congregations around the country (find congregations at, or enjoy a FUUSB service or … Continue reading FUUSB July Break


Rev. Patricia Hart, with Geoff Duke What exactly happened on June 19, 1865? It was 156 years later (2021) when “Juneteenth” was declared a federal holiday. What happened between those two events? There are many lessons to learn from our country’s tangled history since the Civil War ended. How can we put them to good use, now? The service … Continue reading “Juneteenth”

“Doing Right Things (Anyway)”

Rev. Patricia Hart & Joe Solomon, with Rowan Van Ness Joe Solomon has been an activist for quite a while… in Vermont, working against climate change; in West Virginia, protesting “mountaintop removal” strip mining, advocating for refugees, for the unhoused, and especially for people living with addiction. Many of us long to change the world; Joe … Continue reading “Doing Right Things (Anyway)”