Rev. Patricia Hart, with Geoff Duke, Zoe Hart, Martha Molpus, Charlie Rathbone
The seven principles of Unitarian Universalism were formally adopted almost 40 years ago. They have held a central role in our non-creedal faith, declaring to the world what we UUs care about, strive to be, and believe to be true. Our world and society has not stood still, of course… and now an eighth principle is being proposed. Come hear why this matters from members of FUUSB’s own 8th Principle Team.
We are inviting up to 100 people to attend worship in person. To sign up for this Sunday, please go to this link. To make our Meeting House as safe as possible, we ask that everyone who is 5 and older be vaccinated, and those 2 and older wear a mask while inside. Seating in the Sanctuary has been adjusted for safe distancing, and the ventilation system can accommodate at least 100 people. We are glad to welcome those who are comfortable attending in person.
All are welcome to Outdoor Coffee Hour at 11 a.m. in front of the Meeting House, and Zoom Coffee Hour at 11:15 a.m. The Zoom link and more information can be found here: Online Coffee Hour