Rev. Patricia Hart, with Geoff Duke
Palm Sunday is one point in the story of Christianity when its Jewish roots are most evident. Jesus comes to Jerusalem at Passover, amid the tragedy and injustice of the Roman occupation – glory and death, confusion and faith are all present in abundance. What might this story teach us now?
The service will be live-streamed from the Sanctuary at 10 a.m. The link will be shared on our website at If you miss the livestream, a recording will be available on our YouTube channel.
We are inviting up to 75 people to attend worship in person. To sign up for this Sunday, please go to this link. To make our Meeting House as safe as possible, we ask that everyone who is 5 and older be vaccinated, and those 2 and older wear a mask while inside. Seating in the Sanctuary has been adjusted for safe distancing, and the ventilation system can accommodate at least 100 people. We are glad to welcome those who are comfortable attending in person.
All are welcome to Outdoor Coffee Hour at 11 a.m. in front of the Meeting House, and Zoom Coffee Hour at 11:15 a.m. The Zoom link and more information can be found here: Online Coffee Hour