Zen Meditation – Zoom

Date(s) - 01/17/22
5:15 pm - 6:30 pm

Zen Meditation will be held on Zoom only during the month of January while the Meeting House is closed due to the increase in Covid infections in our area.

Zen Meditation is held Monday evenings at 5:15 p.m. under the liturgical guidance of the Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community. We practice for 60 minutes, during which we sit, walk, then sit again, all in body or spirit. The transitions are a natural opportunity to shift between cushion, bench, or chair.

All are welcome, regardless of familiarity or experience with meditation practice in Zen, Buddhism, or any other tradition. Please join us a few minutes early to settle in before the first gong at half-past, and a few more minutes if you are new or would like clarification before we begin.

For more information and the Zoom link, contact [email protected].