
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Come celebrate the longest night with FUUSB! Walk paths of lights, circling the grounds. Stop to visit with friends, sip warm drinks, and join in singing and celebration.
5:30 – Gardens of ice lanterns and paths of luminaria lit!
5:40 – Light the Menorah for the 4th night of Chanukah with Rabbi Jan Salzman of Ruach haMaqom – near the south fence of the Memorial Garden.
6:10 – Solstice Sing with David Ruffin and the YUUth Group, west lawn.
6:45 – Christmas Carols with James Stewart and the FUUSB Choir, front walkway.
Throughout the event hot drinks and treats will be available outside near the west door, and the Parlors will remain open for warming up and cozy chats.


We invite everyone to create an ice lantern or other luminaria in advance. Larger cans are available in the Meeting House foyer to use as molds or use your own from at home – per instructions Here.
Drop-off of lanterns begins Sunday 12/18. Drop off on the West side of the building near the Memorial Garden. We will see to it that lanterns are safely stored. Thereafter (until the deadline, noon on Wednesday) drop off on the inside of the hedges at the Clarke Street Building – look for the yellow sign.