8th Principle Discussion – Zoom
One of the goals for FUUSB’s developmental ministry is to “Actively and meaningfully welcome, support, and empower congregants who are black or other persons of color, LGBTQ+, have disabilities, and other congregants with marginalized identities.” The new FUUSB Radical Welcoming Team believes that the proposed 8th Principle of Unitarian Universalism represents a tangible, well-defined, and active first step to help our congregation move toward our developmental goal and radical welcoming. We hope that FUUSB will adopt the 8th Principle at this year’s annual meeting. What would that mean for our Society? The Radical Welcoming Team is hosting virtual informational discussions to explore this topic.
The next discussion happens after the service this Sunday, Feb. 20, at 11:15 a.m. Click here for the Zoom link to join. Click here for Feb. 20 full Zoom details.
An additional discussion will be held at 7 p.m. on Feb. 24. Meeting information for this discussion will be shared in the eNews and on the Society website next week.
No registration is required. Please mark your calendar and join us to learn more about the 8th Principle, voice your support and concerns, and get your questions answered. Email [email protected] with questions.