Spring Sing: A Celebration
of First UU Burlington!

Live in the Sanctuary or

Click here to watch live on Saturday, March 11th at 3 p.m.

It may still be snowing, but some of us
already have a touch of Spring Fever. If
that sounds like you, come celebrate!

You’re invited to spend an afternoon at
FUUSB with friends (old & new)
and hear some fabulous music.

We have a lot to celebrate:


*** 3 years ago the pandemic arrived, and
everything changed…yet FUUSB
is strong, growing, and more
welcoming than ever!

*** The ministerial search is going
well…in a couple of months, we
hope to welcome a new senior minister!

*** Members and friends are making pledges
for 2023-24… in a few weeks, another
successful stewardship season will be done!

Everyone is welcome to this musical
extravaganza… featuring (among others)
Tom Cleary, James Stewart, David Ruffin,
Sam Whitesell, Stephen Rainville,
George Voland, Linda Patterson,
Herb Schroeder, Amelia, Kira, plus
the amazing FUUSB Choir!

There’s no charge for being there, or for
watching online (available THAT DAY ONLY).
Bring your friends!

We’re hoping some of us will feel
inspired by the music and the company
to make a one-time gift … or a first-time
pledge… or increase a financial
commitment for next year.  But
what matters most getting together
and having fun.

Rev. Tricia Hart and Stephen Rainville
will be our Hosts.
Don’t miss it!