MAKING A DIFFERENCE Suggested Commitment Guide Below
Please increase my pledge by:
I commit my financial support of our UU Society by contributing the following amount between July 1, 2020 and June 20, 2021:
per month or per year
Your Name (required):
Your Address (required):
Your Email (required):
Phone Number:
Ways to pay your commitment:
I would like to pay my commitment with automatic deductions from my bank account (preferred) or credit card, through Realm.I will put my payments by check marked "commitment" (or cash in an envelope with my name) in the collection basket.I'll pay by gift of stock, qualified charitable distribution or charitable donor fund - contact Christina Fulton about this option at [email protected] or at 802-862-5630 x22.I will send payment directly to the Society.
Please have a member of the FUUSB Planned Giving Committee contact me about including FUUSB in my estate planning.YesNo