Speaker: Rev. Susan Milnor


Thresholds, or doorways, it is said, are the safest places to be during certain kinds of storms. What about in congregational life? On this next to last Sunday for the interim period, it’s time to reflect on the particular threshold this congregation has been on during a time of change. What future might you be … Continue reading “Thresholds”

“After Her Own Time”

In June, 1919, nearly one hundred years ago, the United States Congress passed the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution granting women the right to vote in this country. What better time to honor the deeper struggle for agency and, yes, for a better life for everyone’s children that we could associate with this day? Do … Continue reading “After Her Own Time”


Hafiz wrote, “Out/of a great need/We are all holding hands/and climbing…” We think and speak often about trusting people in relationships, workplaces, and communities. But we speak less often about what we entrust to them. What happens when you put your life in the hands of other people? Practicing “habits of the heart” in spiritual … Continue reading “Belaying”

“The Roll of Justice”

We are sorry to announce that services for Sunday, January 20th have been cancelled due to inclement weather. This weekend is the time the nation honors the birth and, of course, the life of Dr. Martin Luther King. It’s important to reflect on what honoring the legacy of King calls for from us. The key is … Continue reading “The Roll of Justice”

“Being Possible”

Much of what is possible – as individuals or in relationships and communities – is possible because of appreciation. How does appreciation change our lives, and is it more than just saying thank you? To me, appreciation is one of the most important spiritual disciplines.