Speaker: Rev. Patricia Hart


It is the time of Summer Solstice, when our days in the Northern Hemisphere are the longest of the year, and the Earth seems alive with new life and new possibilities. How shall we celebrate, in this year of change and challenge? Join us for worship at uusociety.org/worship-and-music/online-sunday-worship or on our YouTube channel! Following the service, join us … Continue reading “Sunrise”

“Warrior Stories”

We will celebrate Memorial Day through stories of some who fought and died in battle (and those who loved them), and stories of some who brought artistry and faith to the essential work of remembering the wars that have defined us, and the warriors who fought. Join us for worship at uusociety.org/worship-and-music/online-sunday-worship or on our YouTube channel! Following … Continue reading “Warrior Stories”

“Mother Jones, and Mother’s Day”

Another “first” in this year of changes: a worship service led by the ministers, musicians, and members of two congregations – First UU Society in Burlington and First Unitarian Church in Baltimore. Our focus this Mother’s Day is on the remarkable “Mother Jones” – mother, teacher, organizer and activist who inspired thousands in the labor movements in the … Continue reading “Mother Jones, and Mother’s Day”

“Changing Stories”

It seems, sometimes, that we’re living in a threshold time in our country’s history – or maybe even in the world. So much has happened and is happening still… so many important stories are unfolding. We all have roles to play, whether we feel ready or not. A story-filled service for our time. Join us … Continue reading “Changing Stories”

“Beyond These Walls”

Much has changed in this past year: assumptions about what’s “normal;” people’s ways of interacting; measures of success; expectations about… well, almost everything! Including how religious communities show up in the world. For more than 200 years, this Society has been synonymous with its Meeting House. What will it be like to re-imagine this congregation … Continue reading “Beyond These Walls”

“Living in the Middle”

In March, we celebrate Women’s History Month. It is hard to do this well in any year given the diversity of women’s lives. Now, in this confusing time, we are called to remember and respond to the real catastrophes so many women face. Sometimes, poets can help us know what matters most.   Join us for online worship … Continue reading “Living in the Middle”