Speaker: Rev. Andre Mol

“Narrative Freedom”

Author Thomas King writes: “The truth about stories is that’s all we are.” Yet, not all of us have the power to tell our own stories. If we are to honor each other and our interdependence, if we are to allow for a responsible search for truth and meaning, we need to create space for … Continue reading “Narrative Freedom”

“Forming Each Other”

Many people today identify as “spiritual but not religious.” This suggests a sense of individual spiritual exploration separate from community. Yet, as members of a congregation, we have not abandoned the value of accompanying each other on our individual spiritual journeys. When we gather as a congregation, we affirm the power and possibility of community in our spiritual … Continue reading “Forming Each Other”

“Mystery in Waiting”

The Christian season of Advent is a time of waiting and reflection before the arrival of the Christmas holiday. Many Unitarian Universalists do not observe Advent but perhaps there is something to be gained in the spiritual practice of waiting, especially amid the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. Intentionally resting in the stillness … Continue reading “Mystery in Waiting”

“Practicing What It Means to Be Human”

Acknowledging the wholeness in ourselves and each other requires us to break down the barriers we create through categorical thinking, and to reduce the harm we perpetuate through demands for certainty. Experiencing the world beyond “either/or” and embracing the ambiguity that accompanies this sacred space allows us to make a sanctuary for each other.