Faith Development Registration

Annual Registration affords us necessary contact information and details to include your child in age appropriate invitations as our programming evolves. 

Register Here!


Winter/Spring 2025 Brochure


Sunday Mornings

At its core, UU family faith development is a journey of relationships. We try to provide opportunities for families with children to connect with each other, other families, and other generations.

Because the needs of families are diverse, we offer diverse ways for families with children to engage with our congregation. Families are always welcome to worship together during the entire service. We provide coloring pages and quiet toys in bins at the front and back of the Sanctuary to make this easier.

We nurture the faith formation of our children through shared worship, classes, and special programs. Most Sundays, families begin worship together in our Sanctuary until children have the option of leaving for Faith Development Programming during the Children’s Parting Song, about 20 minutes in.

Multigenerational Worship Services

Several times each year the entire service is designed especially to engage all generations, as children youth and adults worship and celebrate together; we call these Multigenerational Services. The nursery remains open, but we hope that most children will stay in the Sanctuary and take part in this lively and interactive form of worship.

Family Chapel

On the first Sunday of the month (October to May) parents, volunteer guides, and anyone else who would like, join children in the Community Room on the lower level for Family Chapel. Children help to lead this alternative start to Sunday worship, after which parents will head up to the sanctuary to join the larger worship service and kids will begin their classes or other scheduled activities.

Infants & Toddlers

While welcome in our Sanctuary, we also offer care for Infants and toddlers in our safe, friendly Nursery by trained adult supervisors and teen staff. Parents can sign children into the Nursery before, or at any time during, our Sunday morning worship. For children who need a parent to stay with them the first or second time, parents can pick up a listening device from the main office which will allow them to hear the service while their children become familiar with the staff and the space.

Rocking chairs are available at the rear of the Sanctuary and you may also listen to the service in the parlors with your infant/toddler if you need a quieter space. Changing tables are available in all bathrooms and the Nursery.

Faith Development Programs for Children

Preschool: Nursery Spirit Play

Nursery: (Infant-PreK) Our primary goal is that young children enjoy their time here and feel safe and cared for, setting the stage for future social, ethical, and spiritual growth in this community. The Nursery is open for free and creative play every Sunday, supervised by our trained childcare providers. Children can be signed-in up to 15 minutes before the service.


 Building UU Values: (PreK-3rd)

Based on a curriculum called “Lego UU Values” with our own twist. Each session will begin with a story and discussion and then children will be offered a building/lego prompt and an  art/craft suggestion as ways to engage with the story’s themes. We also include the very popular “Cardboard Creation Corner” as an option for reflective work.


Bible Stories (3rd-6th Grade) 

Participants act out stories from the Bible as a means to understand the historical document and develop their own moral reasoning. “This curriculum is not geared toward understanding what God has done or what God is like, but rather, it’s about how human beings in the biblical traditions have understood God and their relationship to him over the centuries.” It may sound serious, but the acting out begets much silliness and kids have a blast every time we offer it!


YUUTH (7th-12th Grade):

Content TBD. Participants will help us determine the direction for this group.


Kindergarten- High School: Chalice Choices

New this year, Choice Sundays will allow participants to choose among several activity “stations”. With an overall theme of UU identity, stations will offer different ways for children and youth to engage with our UU values, history, and rituals. Choices might include singing along with favorite UU hymns to guitar accompaniment, coloring a piece of our collaborative mosaic UU Values display, making chalices out of air-dry clay, playing an active game that demonstrates a UU value or meditating. Some stations will remain open into coffee hour so that adults can participate as well.


Register Here!


Sunday Morning Schedule for children

Below is the schedule for typical Sunday mornings when we have Faith Development (FD) activities. Since a number of Sundays diverge from this schedule, click here to access the latest eNews blast for the most updated information on that week’s activities for children & youth. Also, feel free to check with a Welcome Ambassador about the day’s activities on Sundays when you arrive at the Meetinghouse.

9:45: Nursery opens
10:00: Worship Service begins in the Sanctuary
10:20: Preschool – 8th graders leave worship for FD activities
11:15: Worship Service ends ** Coffee Hour in the Community Room **
11:20: FD activities end – parents pick children up from their classrooms
11:20: Nursery closes

First Sunday of the month:

9:45: Nursery opens
10:00: Family Chapel begins in the Community Room while Worship Service begins in the Sanctuary
10:20: Parents join the Worship Service in the sanctuary while Preschool – 8th graders leave chapel for FD activities
11:15: Worship Service ends **Coffee Hour in the Community Room **
11:20: FD activities end – parents pick children up from their classrooms
11:20: Nursery closes