Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Ministerial Candidate, with Brenda Balon & Melinda Lee, Worship Associates
Purpose. Alignment. Calling. There are many names to describe what it is to find the sweet spot of where our gifts overlap with the aching needs of the world. What does that look like for each of us? What does that look like when we come together? Come learn more about our Ministerial Candidate and her calling, as well as your own, through story, poetry, song, and the spark of coming together.
Join us for worship in person in the Sanctuary, or online. Find the livestream link and order of service on the Livestreamed Worship page, or go to our YouTube channel.
- Meet Rev. Karen & Share Your Tidbits About Burlington – in the Sanctuary & on Zoom
- Outdoor Coffee Hour – in front of the Meeting House
While at the Meeting House, anyone is welcome to wear a mask. In the spirit of caring for each other, please stay home if you have any cold or flu symptoms. Thank you.