New to Our Community?

Our Beliefs

We are a liberal religious community guided not by a creed but by shared values, including love, compassion, service, justice and truth. Our core values are summarized by Seven Principles and Six Sources. We believe strongly in individual freedom of belief, and we encourage our members to pursue their own spiritual journeys and develop a set of beliefs that is meaningful to them. We are an inclusive congregation, welcoming all people—of whatever age, class, ethnicity, gender, ability or sexual orientation—into our Beloved Community.

When to Come

Our worship services are on Sundays at 10 a.m. On Christmas Eve, Candlelight Services are at 4, 6, and 8 p.m.

What to Wear

Please dress in whatever way is comfortable for you. You will see people here dressed in jeans, dresses, shorts and suits.


Our building is accessible to people with disabilities and we strive to create an environment that enables everyone to participate fully in all that we do. We have large print hymnals and amplified listening devices. Most of our hymns are available in Braille versions. Gender diversity is welcomed here. All are welcome to use the restroom that best fits their identity. All-Gender restrooms are located on the lower level of the Meeting House.

Parking and Where to Enter

You may park in the oval parking area on the east side of the building or in the lot behind the building where you will see our solar panels. There are two entrances to the building, one facing Church Street and one on the east side of the building where there is a wheelchair ramp. Both entrances are used by many people. For more information about parking, click here.

Greeters and Nametags

At each entrance, there is a Welcome Table where you can find a Welcome Ambassador or greeter who can answer any questions you may have and provide you with additional resources. Please fill out a name tag so we can get to know you.


Although children are welcome in the Sanctuary during services, we do have a nursery for very young children and age-appropriate Faith Development classes for older children. Preschool and school-age children usually stay in the Sanctuary with their parents/guardians for about the first 15 minutes of the service. After that, they go downstairs for Faith Development classes. If your children are visiting a Faith Development class, please accompany them to their classroom and complete a visitor’s form. Click here for more information about Faith Development programs.

Meet a Member and Have Some Coffee!

Our members are very friendly and are always happy to meet newcomers. Please feel free to introduce yourself before or after the service. After the service, we have coffee and socializing downstairs in the Community Room. There are Welcome Ambassadors who can answer any questions you may have.