
11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Potential applicants for minister are interested in how “self-aware” a congregation is, so the first job of the Ministerial Search Team is to find out what our members and friends think about the First UU Society, where we shine and where we fall short, who we are and who we hope to be.

To hear your thoughts, we will host listening sessions (we’ll do the listening). We’ll have some “seed” questions to get the conversation going, but we will welcome all your comments, criticisms, and hopes.

– Why do you come to, work at, or support the FUUSB?
– How would you describe the FUUSB to a prospective minister, prospective member, or a close friend who isn’t a member?
– What achievements would make you say after 5 years that the new ministry is a success?
– What areas or interests do you hope the new minister will focus and give priority to?

The first session will be right after this Sunday’s service – October 9, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., both in person and on Zoom. Click here for the Zoom link. (meeting ID 241 974 9667)

The second session will be after next Sunday’s service, October 16, same time and Zoom link. We will announce more sessions next week, at a variety of times.

Questions? Write us at [email protected]g.