“Our Place on the Menu: Musings on Morality”

Reverend Karen G. Johnston – Senior Minister
Warren Baker – Worship Associate

Life and death. Death and life. Two sides of the same coin, both and all part of the warp and weft of our woven lives, all part of the regenerative forces we find in nature and in ourselves. How might the fact of our mortality enliven us? This Sunday service is an invitation to grow your “mortality literacy,” to turn towards the facts of life and death and risk more creativity and less conformity; risk losing fear and finding joy.

Join us for worship at 10 a.m. in person in the Sanctuary, or online. Find the livestream link and order of service on the Live-Streamed Worship page, or go to our YouTube channel.


Following the service, all are welcome to Coffee Hour in the community room.

While at the Meeting House, anyone is welcome to wear a mask. In the spirit of caring for each other, please stay home if you have any cold or flu symptoms. Thank you.