“Love at the Center: Recognition Sunday”

Rev. Karen G. Johnston – Senior Minister
Melinda Lee & Dan York – Worship Associates

If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a community to allow a congregation to hum and strum, to survive and thrive. Each congregational year, thousands of hours are spent embodying who we are, how we are, and what we are. Let’s pay attention, with gratitude as our guide, to this most-amazing effort that is the essence of First UU. For the second time this year, we will be welcoming new members at this service. Rev. Karen is in the pulpit.

After the service, there will be a congregation-wide potluck picnic. Plan to stick around to connect and reconnect. For more details about what you can bring, click here.

Join us for worship at 10 a.m. in person in the Sanctuary, or online. Find the livestream link and order of service on the Live-Streamed Worship page, or go to our YouTube channel.


While at the Meeting House, anyone is welcome to wear a mask. In the spirit of caring for each other, please stay home if you have any cold or flu symptoms. Thank you.