Geoff Duke – Worship Associate
This Sunday’s service – June 30 – is special! A 90-minute worship service coming to us from last week’s General Assembly, June 20-23. This year’s General Assembly is 100% virtual – everyone who goes, is attending online. It’s one of the ways that the UUA is living its values around a smaller carbon footprint – every other year in person, every other year online. This year’s GA is a big deal because there is a big vote about our values and principles. Let’s gather together in person to watch it – and to entice you to come in-person, we will have special food at the back of the sanctuary. In fact, you can think of the whole service, from 10 -11:30 as an extended coffee hour with a wonderful worship service led by multiple UUs from all over the country. We know that you may have plans that need you to leave at 11 (or whenever); please come and know that it will not be a problem if you need to leave early. Come check it out and feel connection to each other and our wide Unitarian Universalist universe.
Join us for worship at 10 a.m. in person in the Sanctuary, or online. Find the livestream link and order of service on the Live-Streamed Worship page, or go to our YouTube channel.
Note: there will be no Coffee Hour after this service.